Do you want to continue and transition into an active initial term subscription?
- settings - re-purposed 'service URL' field for 'ERP Service URL' for link to CAMEO for tablet.
- e-launchpad - fixes for errors in third party fitter allocation
- Policy - new page (still hidden) for policy management
- CompletedJobs - new date range for job search
- eDaybook - new date range for job search
- Dashboard/eDaybook - alter refresh timer to 3mins from 1min
- eDaybook - keep reject referral button displayed until fitter starts job
- eLaunchpad - remove cancel job button for referral child view
- eLaunchpad - fix bug in displaying correct jobtype when editing a job
- FitterLocationAccess - new page to map fitters to locations
- CompanyConnections - add allowfitterallocation to table and edit modal
- Settings - added option to toggle 'fitter on call rota' logic on/off
- Locations - added field for 'thirdpartyreference'
- Many new pages & logic for future project
- eLaunchpad - fix bug in 'null' fleet when editing a recieved 3rd party referral
- eLaunchpad - fix bug in fleet box not auto populating after vehicle is chosen when creating a 3rd party referral
- OurFleets - fix bug when editing vehicle with no axles
- FleetLocations - Translations
- FleetLocations - Fix bug in adding/editing locations with certain blank data fields
- eDaybook: fixed bug in recipient field (view details modal) for 3rd party referrals
- completedJobs: fixed bug in recipient field (view details modal) for 3rd party referrals
- locations: added 'location id' column to main location table
- ALL Language files: added 'location id' translation
- completedJobs: new logic for 3rd party referrals
- Fleet Locations: new page
- ALL Language files: new entries for Fleet Locations
- Layout - new Locations menu to hold company/fleet location choices
- Users - fix for bug in password reset for users with numeric usernames
- Dashboard: change to not show subscription panel if customer uses direct billing
- Users: improved error handling when editing user's details
- eDaybook: fixed bug in blank 'Job Source' field for referral parents
- eDaybook: fixed typo in referral rejection data payload, causing job referral rejection to fail
- Users: New button to unlock tablet queue
- Translations: New Italian File
- Registration page: Integrated subscription logic changes, related to company type
- Dashboard page: when subscription has expired, show text saying so instead of zero dates/payments
- Translations: Updated French File
- Login Page: Update app link & logos
- Translations: New Swedish files
- Login page - alter logic to make language change on login page update user language setting
- Company registration - added subscription integrated type to payload
- UTC date changes
- User locale & language changes
- Users page - alter timing of translate function calling.
- Translations: New French files
- Translations: Fixed error in DE file - Users page (password reset modal) and Settings page (password reset modal)
- Translations: additions to all language files for new user language/locale settings option
- Settings page: New option to have language set at user account level instead of deriving from company level
- Translations: changes to all language files for missing translations sections
- Registration page: added subscription type to form
- Layout page - cache language code in cookie upon translation
- Login page - change to load cached language code (from cookie) to auto translate login page
- Users page - Edit User modal - added 'release session lock' button + session locked indicator
- eDaybook page - New status 'Recalled' + translations
- Completed Jobs page - New status 'Recalled' + translations
- eLaunchpad - minor translation changes for 'launch job' button and 'our jobs' location label
- Users - changes for user defined password reset labels - missing translations
- eLaunchpad - changes for spare wheel functionality + translations
- ourFleets - changes for spare wheel functionality + translations
- Added SPANISH translations
- Minor Translation fixes after Neil Purves' feedback
- Datatables translation changes - all pages with a datatable
- CompletedJobs - fixed issue with dayRate not showing (being overwritten by night rate value)
- Our Fleets - minor changes to timings of translation logic
- TRANSLATION CHANGES - Completed Jobs page
- eLaunchpad - add token to Select2 call - FetchThirdPartyCompanyLocations_Select2
- superAdmin pages - add empty translate function to avoid script crashes when viewing admin pages with company language set to anything other than English
- TRANSLATION CHANGES - e-Launchpad page
- TRANSLATION CHANGES - e-Launchpad page - fixed translation for 'cancel job' button
- TRANSLATION CHANGES - Changes to almost every single page!
- TRANSLATION CHANGES - e-daybook - major changes to dynamic element ids and classes
- New SuperAdmin page for XML Regeneration and PDF Reprints
- Completed Jobs page - altered the logic determining superadmin role to better render the reprint buttons across all pages of jobs
- Completed Jobs Report page - altered the report data to include count of BSEU validated jobs
- Completed Jobs page - added more information to the REMOVE work item rows as per TrucTyre requirements (tyre details, tread depths, removal reason, serial number, casing dest.)
- Added visibility for jobs that have been validated to competed jobs page
- Added new policy page - Create / Edit policies either per fleet or a general companywide one
- Seed Id Audit - new page
- Users page - added browser compatibility warning on redirect prompt to payment gateway
- New Site maintenance page and warning modal, with expected timings
- Altered branding capitalisation across web client
- eDaybook - New Button to recall a job back from the tablet
- eLaunchpad - Logic to stop child work being added to (Quick)Inspect
- workItem.js - Altered work item init to set all tread depths to null
- user page - check that user is/isnt company primary contact before allowing email edit
- Added 'TRefXID' logo on e-Daybook & Completed Jobs pages and in their 'View Job' modals
- Made 'Vehicle Import' button visible.
- Added function to download job xml file, for completed jobs
- Added Vehicle import to ‘Our Fleets’ page. (HIDDEN - API logic not ready)
- Added 'Change Log' page for SuperAdmin.
- DataController - sql_db_GetAllUnCollectedCompletedJobs_XML - new method to get all uncollected job xml
- TidaexAPIController - GetAllUnCollectedCompletedJobs_XML - new method to get all uncollected job xml
- DataController - sql_db_GetAllAccessibleVehicles_Cache_Chunk - new method to get vehicle cache data - in 20k chunks
- TabletAPIController - CacheVehicleData_Chunk - new method to get vehicle cache data - in 20k chunks
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetAllAccessibleVehicles_Cache_Chunk - new SP to get vehicles in chunks
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - JobCollectionRecord - table column changes
- DataController - sql_db_SetCompletedJobAsCollected_WithReason - new method to flag job as collected with additional info
- TidaexAPIController - SetCompletedJobAsCollected_WithNote - new method to flag job as collected with additional info
- DataController - sql_db_LookupIPCCode - new method to lookup IPC code in OTC for completed job XML
- TidaexDataModel - eJobsheet_GoodsSuppliedItem - new field for IPC code
- DataController - GenerateJobXML - reference new IPC lookup method to populate new field on eJobsheet_GoodsSuppliedItem
- TiDaeXFleetAPI - SubmitFleetDetails_ByFleetCode - new method to create/update fleets without providing Tidaex Fleet ID
- TabletAPIController - SubmitVehicleDetails_ByVRM - new method to create/update vehicles without providing Tidaex Vehicle ID
- DataController - sql_db_CheckVRMAgainstManufacturersVehicles - fix bug in manufacturer vehicle duplicate check
- TidaexAPIController - LaunchJob - new logic to validate company connection for 3rd party job launch
- DataController - sql_db_ValidateJobLaunchCompanyConnection - new method to check for valid company connection
- DataController - HELPER_SendEmail - added check to not send message if no recipients
- TidaexAPIController - GetJobDetails_ForJobId - added null check for jobId and changed 'Unauthorized' return code to 'NotFound'
- TabletAPI - CacheVehicleData_NoLimit - new method to remove the JSON response data limit
- TidaexAPIController - SubmitVehicleDetails_ByVRM - New method for creating/editing Vehicle details by fleet code
- TiDaeXFleetAPI - SubmitFleetDetails_ByFleetCode - New method for creating/editing Fleet details by fleet code
- DataController - sql_db_GetVehicleDetails_ForVehicleVrm - improved logic to look up your vehicle first then 3rd party
- TidaexTabletController - GetListOfActivePolicies - new method for tablet to be able to delete any inactive policies it has
- DataController - sql_db_GetListOfActivePolicyIds - new method
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetAllActiveAccessiblePolicies - new sp
- DataController - sql_db_ConvertJob (both variants) - alter logic to fill in depotId and depotName
- DataController - GenerateJobXML - new switch case for 'VOR' job type
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - WorkItem/WorkItem_Archive/WorkItem_ArchivedJobs - new field for TreadDepth_RegroovedTo
- DataController - sql_db_ConvertJob (both variants) - new field for TreadDepth_RegroovedTo
- DataController - sql_db_AddWorkItemToJob - new field for TreadDepth_RegroovedTo
- DataController - sql_db_UpdateWorkItems_ForJob - new field for TreadDepth_RegroovedTo
- DataController - sql_db_GetWorkItems_ForJobId - new field for TreadDepth_RegroovedTo
- DataController - sql_db_ClearAxleConfigs_ForVehicleId - re-wrote error handling and added codes
- DataController - sql_db_GetAllPhotos_ForJobId - Fix for 3rd party company not being able to see job photos
- BreakdownAPI - GetWebPortalJobEventAudit - Fix for duplicate status updates
- TidaexAPIController - SubmitVehicleDetails - Fix for -2 returned by failed manufacturer duplicate check
- DataController - sql_db_GetAllPolicies_ForCompanyId - new method to get all policies
- TabletAPI - CachePolicyData - new method to cache all policies
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - TidaexAnswers - new table
- DataController - GetPolicyData_ForFleetId - new method to get all policies for a single fleet
- TabletAPI - sql_db_GetPolicyData_ForFleetId - new method to get all policies for a single fleet
- DataController - sql_db_CreateNewPolicy - change to include dates
- TidaexAPIController - LaunchJob - change to include validation logic for active fitters for a company and at selected depot
- DataController - sql_db_ValidateActiveFitters - new method to return active fitters for both 1st/3rd parties
- DataController - sql_db_GetTotalCompanyActiveFitters - renamed to - sql_db_GetTotalCompanyActiveFitters_ForUserId
- DataController - sql_db_GetTotalCompanyActiveFitters_ForCompanyId - new method to return active fitters for both 1st/3rd parties
- DataController - sql_db_ValidateDepotHasActiveFitters - new method to check for active fitters at a depot/location
- --------------------------------
- DataController/sql_db_CreateStatusUpdate - Alter logic to exclude system agent from status update emails.
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetAllAccessible_ThirdParty_Fleets_ForCompanyId - alter sp to return new fleet access - thirdpartyreference field
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetUserDetailsOfActiveFitters - alter sp to return fitter homelocation field, and homelocation name
- TidaexFleetAPI/LoadAllAccessibleFleets - Add check to replace null FleetName/FleetCode values with empty strings.
- TidaexAPI/sql_db_UpdateVanGPS - new method to update van gps
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - TidaexJob - new JobIsDirectAllocation field
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetAllJobsInProgress - alter view to include new JobIsDirectAllocation field
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetAllJobsInProgress_ForClient - alter sp to include new JobIsDirectAllocation field
- Hotfix - to improve performance on completed jobs page
- DataController - sql_db_GetAllCompletedJobs_ForClient_ForDateRange - new method
- DataController - sql_db_GetAllJobsInProgress_ForClient_ForDateRange - new method
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetCompletedJobData_ForClient_ForDateRange - new sp
- Event Hotfix
- DataController - Added logic to serve questions to the tablet
- DataController - Added logic to save answers submitted by the tablet
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - TidaexQuestions - new table
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - TidaexAnswers - new table
- Select2Controller - FetchFitters_Select2 - Alter logic to filter out inactive fitters
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - UPGRADE_v3.4 - new sp to collate sql changes into an upgrade script
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - TidaexFitterOnCallRota - new table
- Select2APIControlelr - FetchYourFleetLocations_Select2 - new method to fetch all your fleet locations
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - TidaexUser - new column for fleet name upon breakdown app/portal registration
- DataController - eJobsheet_Header_Fleet - add field for ThirdPartyCode
- DataController/TidaexAPIController/SettingsController - adjust existing update settings methods to accommodate fitter on call rota logic
- Many other changes for future project
- DataController - LaunchJob / sql_db_ConvertJob - fix bug in job creation - setting creator company id to 0
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetAllJobsInProgress - alter view to pull ReferralParentCompanyId from job.CreatorCompanyId and alter the parent company join on the same field
- TidaexAPIController - EditCompanyConnection - add parameter for 'AllowFitterOnCallAllocation'
- DataController - sql_db_CreateNewBSEUAssistUser - new method for creating BSEU assist 24 users
- TidaexAPIController - SubmitNewBSEUAssistUserDetails - new method for creating BSEU assist 24 users
- Select2API - FetchFleets_ForCompanyId_Select2 - new method for pulling all fleets for a given companyId - limited to superusers
- DataController - sql_db_GetCompletedJobXML - fix logic for referrals and network jobs
- DataController - sql_db_CreateNewFitterOnCallRotaEntry - new method
- DataController - sql_db_EditFitterOnCallRotaEntry - new method
- TidaexAPIController - SubmitFitterOnCallRotaEntry - new method
- DataController - sql_db_GetNotProcessedJobsCount - alter logic to include returning data for super users
- DataController - sql_db_RePrintPDF_ForJobId - fix bug with missing leading 0 for day number less than 10
- TidaexAPIController - FetchRotaForMonth_ForFitter - new method to fetch rotas
- DataController - sql_db_GetAllCompanies_ADMIN_ForUserId - alter logic to include 'AllowFitterOnCallAllocation'
- DataController - sql_db_AddNewAxleConfig - alter logic to update camAxleConfig
- TidaexAPIController - LaunchJob - add logic to fail job launch if referral recipient does not have access to both fleet & vehicle
- DataController - sql_db_CompleteOrPauseJob - alter xml generation logic for referral parent queue item entry
- DataController - sql_db_CompleteOrPauseJob - fix bug in xml saving for fleet audit jobs
- DataController - GenerateJobXML - fix bug in photo loading
- DataController - HELPER_ReadPhotoDataFromFile - fix bug in photo loading path
- DataController - UploadPhotos - change path for photo saving to disk
- DataController - GenerateFleetAuditXML - replace location name with new fleet location name
- BreakdownAPI - CreateBreakdownJob_JSON - change to job launch logic to set string in externalPayloadField_1 to denote 'driverapp' jobs for uniserv
- DataController - db_GetUsers_ForCompany - change logic to better apply roles to build results set
- DataController - sql_db_UpdateUserDetails - fix for bug in removing managed locations
- DataController - sql_db_CompleteOrPauseJob - fix for bug in adding location managers to completed job emails
- DataController - GenerateJobXML - added fleet number to vehicle structure
- DataController - GenerateJobXML - change logo logic to always use the logo of the company that did the work
- DataController - JobAllocationCheck - change logic to allow access to new child company referrals
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetCompletedJobData_ForClient - alter logic to include child referral jobs
- DataController - GetCompletedJobs_ForClient - change logic to allow access to new child company referrals
- DataController - sql_db_ApproveApplication - change bug in company creation
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - ReferralRejectionAudit - new table for to audit job referral rejections
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetAllUncollectedJobs_AndNetworkJobs - alter logic to include new referrals
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - TidaexFleetLocation - new table for fleet locations
- TidaexAPIController - GetAllUnCollectedCompletedFleetAuditJobs - new method to fetch uncollected completed fleet audit jobs
- DataController - sql_db_GetAllUnCollectedCompletedFleetAuditJobs - new method to fetch uncollected completed fleet audit jobs
- DataController - db_EditFleetLocation - new method to edit fleet locations
- DataController - sql_db_CreateFleetLocation - new method to create fleet locations
- TidaexAPIController - SubmitFleetLocationDetails - new method to create/edit fleet locations
- TidaexAPIController - GetFleetLocationDetails - new method to get details for a single fleet location
- DataController - sql_db_GetFleetLocationData_ForLocationId - new method to fetch details for a single fleet location
- TidaexAPIController - GetAllFleetLocations - new method to fetch all fleet locations
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetCompletedAuditJobData_ForClient - new sp to get completed fleet audit data
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetAllFleetLocations - new sp to get all fleet locations for a company
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetAllAccessibleVehicles_Cache - new sp to more efficiently get all accessible vehicles
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetAllAccessibleVehicles_Cache_COUNT - new sp to get count of all accessible vehicles
- TidaexAPIController - GetJobEventAudit - alter logic to handle null referralChildCompanyId
- DataController - GenerateJobXML - alter jobtype to use sql table not enum + added 'Fleet Audit' & 'Inspection' types
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - TidaexLocation - new GPS LAT/LONG fields
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - TidaexVehicle - new fields: LocationId, LastWorkedOnDate, LastInspectedDate
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - TidaexJob - new fields: FullInspectionCompleted, QuickInspectionCompleted, InspectionLocationId
- DataController - sql_db_CompleteOrPauseJob - added check if companies are still connected to manufacturer at time of job compeletion
- DataController - sql_db_ConvertCamAxleConfig - new method to convert camAxleConfig string to Tidaex axles
- TidaexAPIController - SetParentJobId - new method to update the parent job id for a job
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetAxleConfigs_ForVehiclesWithNoCamAxleConfig - new SP to return all axle configs for vehicles with blank CamAxleConfig strings
- DataController - sql_db_UpdateCamAxleConfigFromTidaexAxles - new method to update the camAxleConfigs strings for all vehicles where it is blank
- TidaexAPIController - SetListOfCompletedJobsAsCollected - new method to set list of jobids as collected
- TidaexAPIController - SubmitVehicleDetails - change logic to set companyid to fleet owner, when creating a vehicle against a fleet that you do not own
- DataController - sql_db_CompleteOrPauseJob - add logic to clear, then update, work items against parent job
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetCompletedJobData_ForClient - alter logic to filter out audit parent/child jobs
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - TidaexJobArchive - new table to store archived jobs
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - WorkItem_ArchivedJobs - new table to store work items for archived jobs
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetAllJobsNotProcessed_ForLocationManager - new stored procedure
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetAllJobsNotProcessed_ForAdmin - new stored procedure
- DataController - sql_db_GetNotProcessedJobsCount - new method to calculate count of non-processed jobs
- TidaexAPIController - GetNumNotProcessed - new method to serve count of non-processed jobs
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetAllJobsInProgress_ForLocationManager - fix bug that would include inactive user location maps
- DataController - sql_db_GetCompletedJobXML - change logic to load xml from disk rather than database
- DataController - GenerateJobXML/FleetXML/UploadPhotos etc.. - change logic to save/load photos to/from disk rather than database
- DataController - sql_db_InitiateTabletFleetAudit - new method to save additional information for fleet audit jobs
- TabletAPIController - InitiateTabletFleetAudit - new method to save additional information for fleet audit jobs
- DataController - sql_db_GetAllFleetAuditJobs_COUNT_ForUserId - new method to return count of fleet audit jobs
- TidaexAPIController - GetAllFleetAuditJobs_COUNT - new api method to return count of fleet audit jobs
- TidaexAPIController - SubmitVehicleDetails - truncate vrm to 20 characters (if truncated and no fleetNumber given, put VRM in fleetNumber field [limited to 50 chars])
- TidaexAPIController - SubmitVehicleDetails - truncate fleetNumber to 50 characters
- DataController - GenerateJobXML - set enddate to use new enddate field not completed date
- DataController - GenerateJobXML - change logo assignment for referrals to take the child company logo for the parent xml
- DataController - GenerateJobXML - header - new field for referrals to indicate the company name of who did the work on the parent xml
- OTCImportController - ImportBrands - update import routine to overwrite brand name from OTC if brand is renamed.
- TidaexAPIController - VehicleImport - added try/catch for better error handling, and add fix for out of bounds index error
- TidaexAPIController - VehicleImport - fix for axle order being incorrect if element was skipped due to it being an empty string
- ALL API CONTROLLERS - remove 'cross origin' CORS initialisation - moved to webconfig to make 1 global initialisation (made irrelevant by next changelog item - global CORS removal)
- WebConfig - remove 'cross origin' CORS initialisation to avoid duplicate headers
- TidaexAPIController/DataController - UpdateUserDetails - added better error handling when editing a user's details
- TidaexAPIController - LaunchJob - new logic to restrict launching jobs for vehicles/fleets you have access to
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - QueueItem - new unique composite index on TidaexUniqueId/Middleware_Destination - to stop duplicates from being sent through middleware
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetAllUncollectedJobs_AndNetworkJobs - changed select to limit to TOP 100 to increase performance
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - IMPORT_TyrePattern - new temp table
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - IMPORT_TyreSize - new temp table
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - IMPORT_Uniserv_VehicleFleetMap - new temp table for vehicle imports
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - Import_OTC_Patterns - new stored procedure
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - Import_OTC_Patterns_UpdateNulls - new stored procedure
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - Import_OTC_Sizes - new stored procedure
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - TyrePattern - new field for Cameo 20 char pattern
- SQL_Blk_ImportPatterns - OTC patterns import re-written to use SQL bulk copy
- SQL_Blk_ImportSizes - OTC sizes import re-written to use SQL bulk copy
---- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - TidaexJob - new field: EndDate
- CompleteOrPause Job - Set new EndDate field against job
- GenerateJobXML - new header field for TiDaeXDepotName
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - SaveLogData - new stored procedure
- ImportBSEUVehicleData - change permission to be superadmin only inline with the BSEU Fleet Import
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - ImportLog - new field 'importtype' to discern between different import log entries (vehicles/fleet etc..)
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - WorkItem/WorkItemArchive - new field: TorqueUnits
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - TidaexJob - new unique index on CompositeJobId field
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - Import_BSEU_Vehicles - new sp for BSEU vehicle imports
- ROLLBACK - Change job 'torqueTarget' field back to int32
- Change job 'torqueTarget' field type to decimal not int32
- Change axle config method - if axleType is null or empty; set to 'FreeRolling' by default
- Change saveTriageData method- added method overload that takes exception object and now saves all inner exception messages
- New method - HELPER_GetAllExceptionMessages
- sql_db_InitiateTabletJob - m.JobCompositeId != null
- Add triage logging to all incoming methods on tabletAPI controller
- Populate field on job to save tablet app version against job
- InitiateTabletJob - new logic to trap duplicate jobs
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - TidaexJob - new field - JobCompositeId
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - TidaexUser - new field - UnlockTabletQueue
- QueueUnlockStatus - tabletAPI - new method to query if tablet should unlock queue
- sql_db_GetTabletQueueUnlockStatus - dataController - new method to get queue unlock status
- sql_db_SetTabletQueueUnlockStatus - dataController - new method to set queue unlock status
- SubmitTriageData - tabletAPI - new method to submit queue payload data
- sql_db_SaveTriageData - dataController - new method to save queue payload data
- sql_db_CreateStatusUpdate - dataController - adjust logic to block double status creation for acceptedByFitter/Started
- sql_db_UpdateWorkItems_ForJob - Fix bug in not updating work item type
- GetSupportedLanguages - Add Italian to supported languages.
- sql_db_ApproveApplication - for TDN's set 'integrated' flag to automatically be 'true'
- Datacontroller - create project settings file and SQL_CommandTimeout field = 120seconds
- sql_db_UpdateWorkItems_ForJob - added logic test if work item once existed on server but was deleted, but tablet thinks it still exists
- sql_db_InitiateTabletJob - round startedDate down to nearest second, before checking for dupes.
- sql_db_RePrintPDF_ForJobId - bugfix for null crash when trying to reprint a job who's queue item has been deleted and jobXml has been wiped.
- sql_db_ClearAxleConfigs_ForVehicleId - relax security check to allow non-vehicle-owners to edit vehicles if they have been granted fleet access
- CheckEmailIsValid - new API method
- sql_db_CreateNewTidaexUser - add values for new fields for client locale/language
- sql_db_EditVehicleDetails - relax security check to allow non-vehicle-owners to edit vehicles if they have been granted fleet access
- sql_db_UpdateAxleConfigs_ForVehicleId - relax security check to allow non-vehicle-owners to edit vehicles if they have been granted fleet access
- sql_db_AddNewAxleConfig - relax security check to allow non-vehicle-owners to edit vehicles if they have been granted fleet access
- Lock down API methods - Tidaex API controller
- Lock down API methods - Tablet API controller
- RegenerateJobXML - fixed bug in regenerating xml for referred jobs, also removed the reprinting of the xml from within this method.
- GenerateJobXML - inspection job type detection - fixed bug in detecting only 'inspect/quick inspect' work items
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - New table - TidaexLocale
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - New table - JobCollectionRecord
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - Modify table - TidaexJob - extra column - totalminutesworked
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - Modify table - TidaexUser - extra columns - clientlocale, clientlanguage, lastlogoutdate
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - Update stored procedure - GetUserLayoutInfo
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - New stored procedure - GetAllUncollectedJobs_AndNetworkJobs
- GetAllUnCollectedCompletedJobs - update to use new collection records and alter logic to include jobs completed on your fleets & vehicles
- SetCompletedJobAsCollected - update to use new collection records
- ResetCompletedJobToUncollected - update to use new collection records
- sql_db_GetCompletedJobXML - update to allow passing of security check for jobs that are not yours but for your fleets Á vehicles
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetAllJobsInProgress_ForClient - added external payload field to returned dataset
- sql_db_GetUserDetails - add new fields for user locale & language settings
- CompleteOrPauseJob - 2nd HOTFIX for photo duplication on payload
- PauseOrCompleteJob - added started/completed date field and totalMinutesWorked field to formdata payload
- Connect/Accept/Reject/Disconnect/Sever Company Connections - additional logging to record when a user performs any connection related action
- sql_db_ConvertUser - add more date fields for user logout / data cache / queue processing
- UpdateUserDetails - additional logging to record when a user is un-locked/locked to a device
- sql_db_GetRejectedJobsCount / sql_db_RefreshIndexWidgets - make super admin role trump others for data calculation purposes for superAdmins with multi roles
- sql_db_CreateStatusUpdate - block starting job that's already completed.
- LaunchJob - Data validation - if allocatedFitterId is valid, they must be one of your fitters
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetAllAccessibleFleets_ForFleetId - new SP to find an accessible fleet by its fleetid
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetAll_ACTIVE_AccessibleVehicles_FromSyncDate_COUNT - new SP to check vehicle delta count
- 2 new API methods - GetAllConnectedCompanyDetails & GetConnectedCompanyLocations
- CompleteOrPauseJob - HOTFIX for photo duplication in SQL
- CompleteOrPauseJob - alter workitem creation logic to only add new items
- CompleteOrPauseJob - UpdateWorkItems_ForJob - fixed logic to stop duplicate work items being added to sql
- PauseAllRelevantJobs_ForFitterId - add comment to show that this is a server 'soft' pause not a full tablet pause
- sql_db_RemoveJobFromCurrentlyProcessingList - new api method to remove a job from the processing lock list
- sql_db_SuspendCompany/sql_db_RestoreCompany - alter methods to better activate/deactivate users
- GenerateJobXML - Add check to not add comments to xml if they contain only whitespace
- CompleteOrPauseJob - improve error code handling to create distinct return situations for the tablet to key off.
- Alter create fleet logic
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - DeviceLoginAudit - new table for logging device serial numbers on tablet login
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - User - new fields for locking a user to a device for a complete 'session'
- sql_db_AuthenticateTabletLogin- alter 'lock to device' and 'lock session to device' logic
- Tablet API - new tablet specific logout api method
- SubmitAxleDetails - fix bug in [sql_db_AddNewAxleConfig] method relating to axle Type name
- TabletLogin - new login method + change to authenticateTabletLogin method, to allow legacy app support for session locking
- JobRecall - created new status update type 'recalled' to clearly distinguish when a recall has been triggerd.
- CompleteOrPauseJob - added verification to updating work items, and archiving deleted items
- JobLaunch - fixed bug in location validation for network referral jobs.
- New API methods to set the tablet queue START and END dates
- New API method to set the tablet data cache download declined flag/date
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - TidaexUser - new fields for data cache logging
- sql_db_GetAllCompanies_ADMIN_ForUserId - payload change to 'snip' company logos off the returned data.
- LaunchJob() - 'orderNumber' field not being assigned/saved
- GenerateJobXML - fix for tyre removal reasons defaulting to 'OTHER' when there was a a mis-match between language set for company in Tidaex and used on the Tablet
- LaunchJob() - added 'thirdPartyReference' field to payload
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetBulkTyreSizes - new stored procedure
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetBulkTyreSizes_Count - new stored procedure
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetBulkTyrePatterns_Count - new stored procedure
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetBulkTyreBrands_Count - new stored procedure
- CompleteOrPauseJob() - added logging of workItems from payload upon 500 exception crash
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetAllAccessibleFleets_ForCompanyId_Count - new stored procedure
- New api methods to return the new delta counts - brands, patterns, sizes, fleets, vehicles
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetAllAccessible_ThirdParty_Fleets_ForCompanyId - new stored procedure
- sql_db_Get_AllAccessible_Fleets_Count - new api method
- sql_db_Get_AllAccessibleThirdParty_Fleets - optomised to use new 'GetAllAccessible_ThirdParty_Fleets_ForCompanyId' stored procedure
- sql_db_CompleteOrPauseJob - fix for incorrect TRefXID being displayed on parent referred job XML
- sql_db_ConvertJob - added jobSourceCompanyName field to 'job' object
- sql_db_RefreshIndexWidgets - removed un-needed version prefix for users that have no version number/have never used the tablet
- RejectJobReferral - added rejection comments field to payload
- sql_db_ApproveApplication - auto set hasActiveSubscription flag to true for TDN's
- sql_db_CreateNewFleet - If exception thrown; return -2 instead of -1.
- TiDaeXFleetAPI/SubmitFleetDetails - If exception in 'sql_db_CreateNewFleet', return 500, else return 'newFleetId'
- Select2Controller - add token to Select2 call - FetchThirdPartyCompanyLocations_Select2
- sql_db_FetchCompanyConnectionDetails - changed 3party reference to be case-insensitive on evaluation
- sql_db_PauseAllRelevantJobs_ForFitterId - upon login, when all jobs are paused; release any completion locks
- sql_db_IsJobCurrentlyProcessing - new call to check job completetion lock status
- sql_db_SetJobCurrentlyProcessing - new call to set/unset job completetion lock
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - TIDAEXJOB - NEW FIELD - CurrentlyProcessing bit (not null)
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetAllAccessibleCompanyLocations - new stored procedure
- sql_db_GetAllAccessibleCompanyLocations - new api call
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - WorkItemType table - new columns for language descriptions - de,fr,es,it,se,cz,pl
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetWorkItemTypes_WithClassification - alter stored procedure to include new language descriptions columns - de,fr,es,it,se,cz,pl
- sql_db_CompleteOrPauseJob - save the location passed back from tablet
- Global.asax - global static list of currently locked job id's
- sql_db_IsJobCurrentlyProcessing/sql_db_SetJobCurrentlyProcessing - altered logic to use global lock list instead of writing to database
- sql_db_GetAllTyrePatterns_ForBrandId - change to always add 'Unknown', 'None' to pattern results
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - GetAllCompanyRecords_WithConnectionMapReference - new stored procedure
- sql_db_CompleteOrPauseJob - change to use parent company's language on original referred job pdf xml
- sql_db_LaunchJob - added field to allow passing in CamAxleConfig to be store against the job (Used by Uniserv)
- sql_db_CompleteOrPauseJob - alter [jobdate] xml field to be date job completed not created date
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - CasingDestinations Table - new language descriptions columns - de,fr,es,it,se,cz,pl
- LIVE/QA SQL MODEL - Removal Reasons Table - new language descriptions columns - de,fr,es,it,se,cz,pl
- sql_db_AddWorkItemToJob - add check to wheel position field, if null then set to 'unknown'
- LIVE SQL Job Table - Add TabletInitiatedJob Field
- sql_db_RegenerateJobXML - add null check to header->vehicle for saving camaxleconfig to job
- GetAllAccessibleVehicles_WithFleetDetails_ForQuery - Add fleetCode Field
- sql_db_CreateStatusUpdate - remove legacy code for pushing out 3p status updates, which was causing crash on job referral
- sql_db_CreateJob - set vehicleVRM field in addition to vehicleId, for referred job
- GetCompletedJobReportData - alter to include BSEU validated job count
- sql_db_AcceptCompanyConnection - new functionality to auto generate fleet access entries when companies are connected - Entries not created TO manufacturers, only from.
- sql_db_UpdateUserDetails - add validation for email field upon edit, to check whether already exists.
- GenerateJobXML - add pattern & size to axle position tags - for uniserv fleet inspection.
- Altered 'CreateVehicle' for tablet - Take fleetId into account when checking for existing vehicle
- XML Generation - FollowUpWorkRequired - set flag and add comments for inspection items on the axle position
- CreateNewPolicy - new api call to create new policy files
- Altered sql_db_CreateStatusUpdate - Rejected jobs now revert back to the rejecting fitter's home location
- Altered sql_db_RejectJobReferral - Rejected jobs now revert back to their creator's home location
- Altered sql_db_RecallJob - Rejected jobs now revert back to the home location of the fitter who had the job
- Started making api changes to check for integrated status, on uncollected completed job call
- Edit Policy & get policy methods (both client and tablet) - new api calls to manage policy files
- Policy Table - new policy table
- sql_db_CreateNewVehicle - Alteration to CREATE/EDIT vehicle logic, to allow creation of new vehicles on different fleet for same company when vrm already exists against company on different fleet.
- GetServerDateTime - new method to provide the server datetime
- db_GetFitters_ForCompany - alter logic so that if requesting user is a superadmin it adds themselves to the list of returned fitters
- UpdateListOfAxleDetails - Added logic to populate CamAxleConfig field on vehicle
- sql_db_GetUserDetails - Optimised logic and outsourced to stored procedure
- sql_db_ValidateLaunchJobDetails - Optimised user validation logic and outsourced to stored procedure
- CompleteOrPauseJob - set mileageNotAvailable flag
- Job validation - re-worked the logic location, in case of needing to do automatic validation
- Seed Id Audit - logic + stored procedure
- API call to acknowledge site maintenance warning
- sql_db_GetAllAccessibleVehicles_WithFleetDetails_ForQuery - New call to fetch vehicles and dupes (with fleet info), for integrated software
- GetUserDetailsOfActiveFitters - New stored procedure & API call to serve user details for company active fitters
- OTC Pattern Import bug fix - do not allow null for 'PatternName_Short'
- New OTC Size Import
- Can't now resume a resumed job.
- Get Company Connection - when thirdPartyRef does not match a connection, now returns '400: bad request' instead of '500: Internal server error'
- New 'Recall Job' api call
- New call to check Job-Fitter allocation
- New call to check if user is primary contact
- Optimisation to Get All Accessible Fleets method. Should bring performance increases to eLaunchpad Fleet searching & Job Launching
- New Push Status Method for Tablet to record GPS coords with Status Updates
- New OTC Brand Import Routine
- New OTC Pattern Import Routine
- Alter Get Bulk Tyre Size call for Tablet & API - to include SizeKey_2 field
- Fix bug in XML visual vehicle config tread depths being overwritten by zero values
- Added API CSV Vehicle Import Logic
- Fixed bug in Completed Job JSON - re: null tread depths
- Added function to download job xml file, for completed jobs
- Stored procedure change to exclude completed jobs from appearing in ‘rejected jobs count’
- Altered BSEU Vehicle import – Fetch fleetMaps by new LastModifiedDate rather than CreatedDate, and other optimisations/de-bugging.
- Improved error logging for BSEU import into Tidaex.
- Separated BSEU import routines into separate Fleet and Vehicle methods.
- Alter logic surrounding Tyre Tread Depths on XML generation.
- Added ‘WorkType’ xml field to job xml.
- Fix bug in xml ‘startTime’, if startDate is not null but epoch, get StartDate from ‘started’ status instead.
- Optimised Fleet search -> changed to stored proceedure GetAllOwnFleets